(Last Updated on January 2023 by OGttm )
This is a special medical device called “Med-Bay”:
Med-Bay works like an MRI machine but heals all health conditions instantly.
This machine has a lot to do with the origins of Cosmic ATM. But first, let’s find out where more about these Med-Bays.
The year was 2154 in the movie Elysium.
Elysium was a luxury space habitat hanging beside Earth, inhabited by the wealthiest of humanity. Almost as if it was their promised land, complete with endless caviar and wine.
Med-Bays were provided for the citizens. These healing beds were restoring the ultrarich back to 100% health in a matter of minutes.
On the other hand, those living in the blue globe experienced the complete opposite. People were struggling to live on a greatly polluted and overpopulated Earth.
Sick Earthians knew about the Med-Bays and they were desperate to have access to these healing beds. The illegal organizations exploited these opportunities by offering to fly them to Elysium for a high price.
In one scene, a spaceship carrying Earth citizens landed on Elysium illegally. One of them broke into a house and placed her daughter onto a Med-Bay. Using a wrist imprint, the girl stole the identity of an Elysium citizen and was healed of multiple compound fractures in her legs instantly.
I can hear voices screaming in some of your heads right now:
“Mike. This is a movie and Med-Bay isn’t real. SCIENCE FICTION. Got it?”
Hold your horses, mate. While the Med-Bay is a fantasy, it is happening in our lives right now. Let me explain.
Here’s what we learned from the film Elysium:
1% of the population who lived in Elysium had special access to Med-Bays and are healthy all the time. The rest of the people struggled with diseases on Earth.
Now, if we flip the script from health to wealth, the situation is playing out RIGHT NOW in our lives.
The ultrarich are insanely wealthy and the rest of the people are struggling with lack.
In 2021, the wealth of the top 1% increased by $6.5 trillion. To put it into perspective, the amount of money they make in a year is enough to buy Apple ($2.29T), Microsoft ($1.78T), Google ($1.52T), and Tesla ($0.76T). They just prosper no matter the circumstances – pandemic or not!
What about the rest of the world? It’s unfortunate to see the rest struggling with pay cuts, job loss, inflation, and recession.
But is this how the world works?
Not really. We live in a world of abundance and this means we can have everything in excess.
The question is “Why are we not living in abundance?”
I’m a firm believer in abundance. Practicing how to live in abundance has transformed my life. Being a digital nomad and making my living off the internet for some years now, I have this urge to share more about abundance.
As I watched the final scenes of Elysium I received some divine inspiration, like a giant cosmic kick to my head.
An image of an ATM popped up in my mind. Not just any ATM, but a giant ATM in space that is spewing abundance.
Suddenly all the dots are connected. Our money doesn’t come from us. It comes from abundance!
I know it is hard to imagine right now, so I’ll like to introduce you to the Cosmic ATM.
Think of the Cosmic ATM as the Med-Bay for wealth.
Imagine tapping into the Cosmic ATM, where you have an unlimited supply of money locked up inside…
And all that’s stopping you from withdrawing from this infinite source of abundance is the password.
Hmmm, so what is this password?
*Cue the drumroll*
The password is KNOWING your position of abundance in this Universe, believe it and claim it to be yours!
Yup, it’s that simple.
“Mike… Only if it is that easy, everybody will be rich!”
Yes, it is that easy and yet difficult at the same time. Heard of the phrase “Sometimes the easiest things are the hardest”?
Let me share a quick story.
Tomas Martinez is a 67 year-old homeless man living in the streets of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
One day, he saw police walking towards him and he fled the scene thinking they were arresting him for taking drugs.
Guess what…
The police were not there to arrest him.
They were there to inform him of his $6 million dollar inheritance from his ex-wife!
Tomas was never found.
I wonder how will he react when he discovers the truth.
Now, here’s my question for you.
Are you another Tomas Martinez when it comes to understanding the truth about abundance?
Is it “Nah…that’s too good to be true.”
Or is it “Wow. I want to know more about abundance!”
When you understand what you’re really made of, and 100% believe in the real nature, source, and substance of abundance…
…you’ll no longer question whether this is possible because you’ll be too busy living it!
Let’s continue by sharing a story about “heat”.
Are you suffering from the heat?
“Yesterday was the hottest day recorded in November. Temperatures soared to 34.9°C (95°F) making it the one of the warmest day of the year…”
The news in the background caught my attention while I was in the midst of a roasted smashed potatoes YouTube cooking video. (Check out Chef John’s recipe here. The potatoes are frickin’ drools.)
I digress…
“I’m pretty sure today is hotter than yesterday.”
I thought to myself.
My fans in the living room were switched on at full speed.
I checked the kitchen pantry and realized I was missing Cayenne pepper and rosemary.
This meant a 15 mins journey by foot to the nearest supermarket in the scorching humid weather.
“Great… I’m going to need ice cream when I’m back.”
I felt like I ran a marathon in the Sahara desert in tights as I walked in the crazy heat.
I couldn’t wait to arrive at the supermarket and as soon as I stepped into the market, I received the “best welcome” ever.
A gush of cold soothing breeze envelops my body, cooling the heat in my bones. The exhilaration made me feel like I was in winter wonderland for a moment.
Air conditioning is magic.
Welcome to one of the hot humid days of Mike’s life.
Now, why am I telling you this kinda boring story?
You have been under the heat long enough…
The heat of the bad economy, recessions, financial downturns, pandemics, natural disasters, companies shutting down, retrenchment…
The heat of trying to get enough money to erase your debts, working in a job you don’t like, saving every penny while trying to get the best deals on Black Fridays, etc…
The heat of always thinking about how good would it be if you can have a million dollars in your bank.
CosmicATM.com was created to let you in on the truth about riches.
It’s time to return yourself to abundance.
…Generating riches is not the method you use, how hard you work, your connections, talents, or your job.
The thing is…
You are already rich, to begin with.
The REAL source of abundance has already made you rich.
Yes, I understand this is a huge statement to make as we live in a realistic world where money doesn’t fall from the sky.
But, when you truly understand the natural flow of money, the source, and the meaning of abundance, and the identity of who you are, you’ll stop questioning and start claiming this rich life of yours.
Take a look around you.
You are surrounded by abundance.
The air you breathe, the water you drink, warm sunlight, beautiful stars, the intelligence that sparks new inventions, music that makes you dance, etc.
Limitless abundance surrounds us, and yet we’re more concerned with scarcity.
“The economy is bad this year.”
“Houses are getting too expensive.”
“The small pay increment is not enough.”
“The government is not helping us.”
We are no longer conquerors, but worriers who are stuck in a cycle of victimization to uncontrollable external events (COVID-19 included).
All it does is feed our money paralysis syndrome making us think that we’re constantly in lack.
Yet, the truth is that there is a source of infinite abundance and it is conspiring to help us prosper now…
…and it’s up to you to receive it.
Wish to learn more about the foolery of money? CLICK HERE.
May abundance be with you.